Get your hearing aids professionally delivered anywhere in the Chicagoland area!

Frequently Asked Questions

For more questions, please call us at (630) 597-1581.
Are you local to Chicago?
Yes, we have multiple locations and Audiologists in the Chicagoland area. Contact us for specific details.
Is there a return period?
Yes. Hearing aids purchased through YouHear have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. If you're not happy with the hearing aids, you can return them for a refund.
Will you ship the hearing aids to my house?
No. We fit the hearing aids in person, typically in the comfort of your own home. Our curbside pickup and in-home delivery options provide safe and convenient options for our patients.
How far will you drive?
We service all of north east Illinois including the greater Chicagoland area out to Rockford in the west and down to Route 80 in the south.  Other areas, please call us.
Do you do Real Ear Measurements (REM)?
Yes.  We have the latest state of the art portable Med RX audiometer and real ear system that we use on every patient.  
Do you offer remote hearing aid adjustments?
 Yes. although there are limitations to remote programming, we do offer it.  Ask us for additional details
Are you an authorized retailer of these brands?
Yes. You can rest assured knowing that the manufacturer warranties will be honored, as we are an authorized retailer of the brands listed on this website.
What is included with purchase?
When you purchase hearing aids through, you get a in home full hearing test, fitting and programming of the hearing instrument from a licensed audiologist or hearing instrument specialist, three follow up in home visits, a one year supply of batteries/or a charging case and a 45 day 100% money back guarantee.  We also include earmolds (at and additional expense) and impression taking of your ear if needed.
How many follow-up appointments are included?
You get three home visits included after you have been fit.  Additional visits can purchased as needed or as part of our service plans.
Do you accept insurance?
Yes, we are credentialed with all major insurance companies and we are in-network with BC/BS and United Healthcare.
Will you bill my insurance for testing and hearing aid benefits?
Yes we can bill your insurance for you however some plans dictate that the consumer has to bill the insurance, these are called re-imbursement plans. If so, we will provide you with the paperwork needed.
What service plans do you offer?
We offer four levels of service plans depending on your needs:
Basic Service (As Needed): $150 per visit
Silver Service: Unlimited visits one year from fitting date: $699
Gold Service: Unlimited visits three years from fitting date: $1399
Platinum Service: Unlimited visits five years from fitting date: $2499